March 22nd: Joint Practice

Last week on 22nd, Tokyo Ebisuren were permitted to attend training with Tokushima Yebisuren, the professional team whose distinctive style we strive to reflect.

One to two forward leaning members from each part―a total of six members―headed for Tokushima: Awa Odori Central! There we were able to ask experienced veterans directly about points we'd been unclear on or had concerns about, and to have the answers shown to us directly. Despite being busy preparing for the Hananaru festival later in April, many at Yebisuren were kind enough to take the time to give individual attention, and polite and helpful advice. Each of us took home so much useful advice and homework it was hard to contain it all.

You can get an idea of the setting from Yebisuren's own photo-blog page Awacchi no Blog (Japanese language)

We'd very much like to do this more in the future, so thank you all for your assistance and cooperation.

And now I look at the calendar, it's April already―not long to go before summer. With this amazing experience spurring us on, I know that all of us at Tokyo Ebisuren will work our hardest towards giving an outstanding performance this year!